2015 Joint Assembly


A very successful Joint Assembly was held in the Palais des congrès de Montréal from 3-8 May 2015, organized by the Canadian Geophysical Union, American Geophysical Union, Geological Association of Canada, and Mineralogical Association of Canada.
The event attracted 2500 participants with over 2100 abstracts on the entire range of subjects covered within Geodesy and Geophysics. There were 183 oral sessions, 121 poster sessions, and 60 other events, including major invited presentations by leaders in the fields of geophysics. A full listing of sessions can be found here. The complete abstracts have been exported to a PDF available on the meeting website.

The assembly also received extensive media coverage. As of 1 June, the Assembly had generated more than 150 stories in print, radio, television, and online media outlets. AGU’s information office organized six press conferences that generated stories on a variety of subjects of particular public interest, demonstrating how knowledge of geophysical processes can have beneficial and practical effects on people’s everyday lives. The Joint Assembly hashtag (#JA15) was tweeted over 3,000 times by more than 800 people, resulting in more than 16 million timeline deliveries to more than 2 million individual Twitter accounts.

CGU held its major annual Executive meeting just prior to the Assembly, and the five Sections within CGU held their own meetings during the Assembly. An excellent CGU banquet was held at which major awards were announced. The generous contribution of our awards sponsors – Chevron Canada, Shell Canada and Campbell Scientific – were duly acknowledged with thanks, as were the family of Don Gray and the estate of Stan Paterson.

Gordon Young