A strong CGU is a strong voice for Canadian geoscientists. The CGU represents the interests of Canadian geoscientists in many ways, such as in organized scientific meetings, interactions with funding agencies, and in advocacy of the role of science in society and policy-making.
Earth Sciences are key to Canada’s prosperity, safety, sustainability and sovereignty. Understanding the processes involved in Earth Sciences forms the basis of efficient and effective management of Earth’s resources and underpins modes of lessening threats of some devastating Earth processes.
Membership in CGU implies:
Membership in an organization dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of geophysical research;
Opportunity to nominate, recognize, and celebrate the achievements of other Canadian geoscientists and students through various awards;
Eligibility for receiving prestigious awards – for well-established scientists, young scientists and graduate students, as detailed on the CGU website;
Provision of connections within and between CGU Sections through newsletter and website;
Opportunity for members to post job openings, especially important for graduate students;
Affordable membership fees relative to many other organizations;
Contributions towards developing the next generation of geoscientists;
Possible participation in regional student and other conferences.
CGU Annual Meetings provide special opportunities:
To present current research to the geoscientific community and learn about the activities of other scientists – something particularly important to students;
To emphasize Canadian-focused research alongside research of more general interest;
To attend presentations on leading edge research from renowned scientists;
To interact with other Canadian geoscientists and special Invited Speakers;
To attend information sessions held by granting agencies;
To be more visible to fellow Canadian geoscientists as some of them would be reviewers of grant applications;
To enlarge social networks as Annual Meetings are often held with other organizations.