CGU Members Receive AGU Honours

Mike Church (Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia)
Mike has been elected to the college of Fellows of the American Geophysical Union.
Already a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Mike’s research focuses on the morphodynamics of rivers across scales – particularly the iconic Fraser, Peace, and Mackenzie rivers. He also studies sediment transport in the environmental hydraulics laboratory. His interests include fluvial landscape evolution over ~10,000 year timescales, and the history and methodology of geomorphology. Mike is a member of the CGU’s Earth Surface Processes Section (ESPS).

Kelin Wang (Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Geoscience Centre)
The Tectonophysics Section of the American Geophysical Union has invited Kelin to give the annual Birch Lecture at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. This lecture honors the life and work of renowned geophysicist Francis Birch. The Lecture is webcast and made available as an archived presentation on the AGU website, and is also a part of the Bowie Lecture series. The Birch Lecture is by invitation only – nominations are not accepted.
Kelin studies the geodynamics of subduction zones and related earthquake and tsunami hazards, plus a range of other topics linked to the thermal, mechanical, and hydrogeological processes of Earth’s lithosphere. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria, an Editor-in-Chief for the journal Tectonophysics, and was (or still is) on the Editorial Boards the Journal of Geophysical Research, Geology, Journal of Geodynamics, Science in China (Earth Science), and Earthquake Science. He was also awarded the CGU’s J. Tuzo Wilson Medal this year at the Joint Assembly in Montréal. Kelin is a member of the CGU’s Solid Earth Section (SES).