We are pleased to inform you of the upcoming Geodetic Missions Workshop in Banff, Alberta from 20-24 March 2017. The meeting will be part of a major international event that will also include the Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and the accompanying North American CryoSat Science Meeting.
These meetings will focus on science, applications, and services in the context of ESA’s Earth Explorer series of missions, with particular emphasis on synergies between the missions. In order to benefit from and exploit the scientific symbiosis between Swarm and dedicated geodetic satellite missions carrying gravimetric payloads and high-precision accelerometers, like GRACE or ESA’s own GOCE mission, the meeting, furthermore, features a Geodetic Missions Workshop, focusing on synergies between – and the application of – gravimetric and altimetric satellite missions. Given the strong community support for more and better space-based missions dealing with high-quality and high-temporal-resolution measurements of mass variations in the Earth system, relevant future mission ideas and concepts will also be a core part of the workshop programme.
The meetings are being organized jointly by ESA, University of Calgary, and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). In this context, the CSA encourages Canadian participation in the meetings to ensure that Canadian scientific interests, expertise, and requirements are represented within the context of the ESA Earth Explorer missions’ evolution and the definition of new missions.
Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is 4 December 2016. The meeting websites provide detailed information about meeting objectives, research topics, meeting logistics, and how to submit abstracts:
Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop
North American CryoSat Science Meeting
You will find ESA’s invitation letter for the Fourth Swarm Science Meeting & Geodetic Missions Workshop below.
These co-located meetings offer a unique opportunity for dialogue between thematic communities as well as between space agencies and international scientific communities. We positively encourage your participation so please feel free to circulate this message to your colleagues and professional network.
Best regards,
Robert Saint-Jean and Thomas Piekutowski
Canadian Space Agency
Fourth Swarm Science Meeting & Geodetic Missions Workshop
20-24 March 2017, Banff, Canada
Dear friends of GOCE, GRACE and of satellite geodetic missions in general,
Jointly with partners in Canada, the European Space Agency is pleased to invite you to a cornerstone event in the area of exploitation of data from Swarm and geodetic satellite missions, including GOCE, GRACE and future missions.
The Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and the accompanying Geodetic Missions Workshop are organised at the Park Lodge Hotel in Banff, Alberta, Canada alongside the Cryosat North-American Science Meeting from 20-24 March 2017. In these co-located meetings the European Space Agency aims to address science, applications and services in the context of its Earth Explorer series of missions, ranging in focus from the Earth’s outer core to the magnetosphere. Specifically, as the Swarm mission is about to complete three years of extremely successful science operations, the meeting will bring together the wider international scientific community to explore and develop scientific and application synergies and to propel the mission into its next phase.
The Fourth Science Meeting provides a platform for sharing research and application results obtained using data from ESA’s Swarm constellation and complementary satellite data (e.g., e-POP, Cluster, Ørsted, CHAMP, GOCE, GRACE, CryoSat, etc.) and ground-based observations (e.g., GO-Canada, TREx, MIRACLE, GNSS, incoherent scatter radars, Intermagnet, SuperMAG, MIRAGE, etc.). Organised about three and a half years into the mission and less than a year before its nominal end, the meeting will be instrumental in collecting, analysing and discussing elements of an extended Swarm mission.
Topics to be treated cover all mission objectives, i.e., the measurement and modelling of all contributors to the Earth’s magnetic field, and the understanding of highly complex magnetic and electric fields, currents and plasma processes in the near-Earth space environment, as well as their coupling to the neutral atmosphere. High-latitude science questions linked to the use of Swarm for auroral physics will be a core focus of the meeting. Contributions dealing with space weather observations and modelling are highly welcome as a potential link to future operational use of LEO-based observations for such purpose. Additionally, ideas for innovative uses of Swarm constellation data and demonstrations of new scientific potential are particularly encouraged.
In order to benefit from and exploit the scientific symbiosis between Swarm and dedicated geodetic satellite missions carrying gravimetric payloads and high-precision accelerometers, like GRACE or ESA’s own GOCE mission, the meeting furthermore features a Geodetic Missions Workshop, focusing on synergies between – and the application of – gravimetric and altimetric satellite missions. Given the strong community support for more and better space-based missions dealing with high-quality and high-temporal-resolution measurements of mass variations in the Earth system, relevant future mission ideas and concepts will also be a core part of the workshop programme. The workshop will furthermore bridge oceanographic applications of Swarm and Cryosat, benefitting from the fact that the Cryosat North-American Science meeting is co-hosted at the same venue on the same dates.
The full week of meetings will be free of charge to all users. A highly attractive and sponsored meeting package, including highly attractive rates for accommodation, breakfast and airport transportation to/from Calgary airport, should further ensure that the nobody needs to miss this milestone event.
More detailed information can be found at www.swarm2017.org
We are looking forward to a fantastic and fruitful week.
On behalf of the GOCE team and the organising committee, see you all in Banff,
Rune Floberghagen
Robert Saint-Jean
Scientifique de programme, Sciences du système Soleil-Terre
Program Scientist, Sun-Earth System Sciences
Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency
6767, route de l’Aéroport, Saint-Hubert (Québec) J3Y 8Y9
Tél. : 450-926-4947
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada
Thomas Piekutowski
Gestionnaire | Manager
Sciences du système Soleil-Terre | Sun-Earth System Sciences
Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency
6767, route de l’Aéroport, Saint-Hubert (Québec) J3Y 8Y9
Tél/Tel: (450) 926-4464 | Téléc/Fax: (450) 926-4766 Mobile: (514) 594-5822
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada