Online Research Seminars – Solid Earth

Following last week’s session in hydrology, we are pleased to announce the first solid earth session for this Friday, July 3, 2020 starting at 2:30 pm eastern time. Please note that due to scheduling conflict, the starting time of the remainder of the seminar series will no longer be 2 pm eastern time. The series will continue most Fridays this summer, with the next series of talks scheduled for Friday, July 10. A full schedule of the summer series will be shared soon. We invite you to follow the series on our Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn pages for the latest information.

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This week’s research talks include:

“Lower Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure of Eastern Canada and the Northeast USA from Surface-Wave Tomography”
Speaker: Omid Bagherpur
Affiliation: Université du Québec à Montréal (student talk)
Time: 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm EDT
Session: Cratons and craton margins – formation, evolution and interactions
Highlights: In this study, we take a detailed look at the seismic structure of lower crust and uppermost mantle beneath easternmost Canada and the northeast USA. Based on the evidence from their surface wave tomography models along with evidence from previous studies, Omid will discuss the tectonic implications of the northern Appalachians and the easternmost Grenville province.

“Seismic Anisotropy across and along the Mid-Continent Rift”
Speaker: Andrew Frederiksen
Affiliation: University of Manitoba
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:05 pm EDT
Session: Cratons and craton margins – formation, evolution and interactions
• New high-density shear-wave splitting measurements across the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota and Wisconsin
• The strength of fabric is not affected by rifting, but the orientation is deflected along the rift axis

“Transform offsets occurring along divergent plate boundaries in global mantle convection models”
Speaker: Julian Lowman
Affiliation University of Toronto Scarborough
Time 3:10 pm – 3:25 pm EDT
Session Global Geodynamics
Highlights Weakening due to convection induced stress results in transform-like off sets at the surface of spherical shells. Divergent and convergent boundaries in spherical geometry mantle convection models are distinct in structure. The position of divergent boundaries shows no clear correlation with the location of active upwellings (plumes).

“Constraining Dynamic Topography of the Ocean Basins”
Speaker Jolante van Wijk
Affiliation New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Time 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm EDT
Session Global Geodynamics
Highlights In this presentation, Jolante will explain how they constrain ocean floor dynamic uplift using the marine stratigraphic record. They show that the Afar plume resulted in ~650 m of dynamic uplift of the western Indian Ocean, starting around 25 Ma.

“Analytical solutions for the periods of the Chandler wobble and free core nutation of a three-layer Poincare Earth Model”
Speaker Behnam Seyed-Mahmoud
Affiliation University of Lethbridge
Time 3:50 pm – 4:05 pm EDT
Session Global Geodynamics
Highlights The Poincare problem, the scalar equation describing the dynamics of a uniformly rotating inviscid liquid core model plus the boundary conditions, is ill-posed and generally does not admit solutions in a thick liquid shell. Behnam will show that when the wobbling motion of the body is considered, analytical solutions exist for the wobble modes of the body.