Online Seminars 2020

Oral Presentations

June 5 - Hydrology 1
Original post with speaker list: link
June 19 - Biogeosciences 1
Original post with speaker list: link
June 26 - Hydrology 2
Original post with speaker list: link
July 3 - Solid Earth 1
Original post with speaker list: link
July 17 - Hydrology 3
Original post with speaker list: link
July 24 - Solid Earth 2
Original post with speaker list: link
July 31 - Biogeosciences 2
Original post with speaker list: link
August 28 - Hydrology 4
Original post with speaker list: link




Campuses as Living Labs for Applied Environmental Research: Example of the Ryerson Road Salt Reduction Project
Claire Oswald (Ryerson University)



Unpaved access roads in managed forests as sources of bioaccessible phosphorus to surface waters: implications for drinking water across Canada
Erin Humeny (University of Alberta)



Transdisciplinary approaches to research on nutrient in Treaty 4,5 and 6
Hamidreza Rashidi (University of Saskatchewan)



Groundwater-Derived Thermal Buffering of Coastal Habitat in the Context of Climate Change
Jason KarisAllen (Dalhousie University)



Precipitation gradients across the Continental Divide in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
Selina Mitchell (University of Northern British Columbia)



Mountain snowpack characterization from LiDAR and snow pillow telemetry: a case study in the Lajoie Basin, southwestern British Columbia
Sergio Vázquez Tagle Gallegos (University of Northern British Columbia)




The Impacts of Nitrogen on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Water Bodies
Catherine Goltz (University of Winnipeg)



Characterising Watershed Coherence in Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Boreal Shield Forested Catchments
Matthew Morison (University of Winnipeg)



Using Easily Accessible Digital Photography to Monitor Phenology of Boreal Peatland Vegetation Impacted by Linear Disturbances
Scott Davidson (University of Waterloo)



Controls on Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in an Ombrotrophic Bog
Tracy Rankin (McGill University)



Seasonal patterns of stream nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry in cold region agricultural streams
Karl Friesen-Hughes (University of Winnipeg)


Solid Earth


Investigating the crust and mantle surrounding the Beaufort Sea, western Canadian Arctic
Andrew Schaeffer (Geological Survey of Canada)



Surface Wave Methods in Inversely Dispersive and Non-1D Sites
Chris Boucher (University of Western Ontario)



Did the cessation of convection in Mercury’s mantle allow for an increase in the rate of heat loss from its core?
Joshua Guerrero (University of Toronto Scarborough)