CGU Sections

The CGU is divided into 5 sections, each of which focuses on a specific area of the geophysical sciences. Membership in any of the Sections is as simple as declaring the Section affiliation when either applying for or renewing your CGU membership. Biogeosciences Earth Surface Processes Geodesy Hydrology Solid Earth Declaring your affiliation with a CGU Section will ensure that … Read more

Biogeosciences Bylaws

Biogeosciences PDF version of BGS by-laws Bylaws May 23, 2009 CANADIAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION BIOGEOSCIENCE SECTION By-laws 1. NAME and RATIONALE The name of this organization shall be the Biogeoscience Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union. Biogeosciences is the science that spans the interface between geosciences and biological sciences. Its aim is to understand the geochemical, geophysical, and biological processes that … Read more

Earth Surface Processes Section

Earth Surface Processes Earth surface processes is the study of the erosion, deposition, and formation of landforms and sediments. ESPS is the newest CGU Section (2014), representing the growing importance of earth surface processes within both the Canadian geoscience and broader geophysics communities. ESPS developed partly from the former Erosion and Sedimentation Committee of the Hydrology Section, and will expand … Read more

Geodesy Section

Geodesy Section Geodesy is the science of accurately measuring and understanding three fundamental properties of the Earth: its geometric shape, its orientation in space, and its gravity field — as well as the changes of these properties with time. The CGU Geodesy Section was formed in 2002, and aims to:

CGU Annual Scientific Meetings

A highlight of CGU membership is the annual scientific meeting, which provides the opportunity to network with earth scientists from across the country. Collaborative and networking opportunities are often enhanced by hosting meetings jointly with complementary scientific societies. Meetings provide the opportunity to: Present current research to the geoscientific community and learn about the activities of other scientists, of particular … Read more