Earth Surface Processes

Earth surface processes is the study of the erosion, deposition, and formation of landforms and sediments. ESPS is the newest CGU Section (2014), representing the growing importance of earth surface processes within both the Canadian geoscience and broader geophysics communities. ESPS developed partly from the former Erosion and Sedimentation Committee of the Hydrology Section, and will expand its mandate to cover all aspects and contexts of earth surface processes and dynamics.

The scope and importance of earth surface processes to past, present, and future Earth landscapes is outlined in Landscapes on the Edge (National Academies Press), which also illustrates the importance of the interaction between earth surface processes and human activities, and identifies the ‘grand challenges’ for future research and action in this field. These challenges are the focus for ESPS activities through:

on national and international projects
of research methods and results at regular conferences and workshops
and communication initiatives in earth surface dynamics
to contemporary and future earth surface environments


You can join the Earth Surface Processes Section by declaring ESPS affiliation when applying for or renewing your CGU membership. Affiliation with CGU-ESPS ensures that you’re kept up to date on current issues of interest in the field of earth surface processes, important Section news, and relevant deadlines for conferences and events.

Join or renew here


Contact us via the Section Secretary.

Jaclyn Cockburn, ESPS Secretary

Department of Geography, University of Guelph
50 Stone Rd East, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada
Ph. (519) 824-4120 ext 56719