J. Tuzo Wilson Medal

J. Tuzo Wilson Medal
J. Tuzo Wilson Medal

John Tuzo Wilson (October 24, 1908 – April 15, 1993) was a Canadian geophysicist and geologist who achieved worldwide acclaim for his contributions to the theory of plate tectonics. The founder of the CGU, he was also a member of the Order of Canada and the Order of the British Empire, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, of the Royal Society of Canada, and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The J. Tuzo Wilson Medal is given annually to recognize scientists who make outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge in any research area of the Union (i.e., Solid Earth, Biogeosciences, Geodesy, Hydrology, or Earth Surface Processes). Factors considered in the selection process include excellence in scientific or technical research, instrument development, industrial applications, and/or teaching.

See here for the full terms of reference.

See here for a good indication of the content of a successful nomination letter.

Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee (email: genevieve.ali@mcgill.ca). Please note that for 2025 awards, nomination packages will be accepted until January 21, 2025. Any other changes to the typical application or nomination procedures will be communicated by email to registered CGU members.

Past Wilson Medalists

2024Spiros Pagiatakis York University
2023No recipient
2022Philippe Van Cappellen University of Waterloo
2021Jim ButtleTrent University
2020David EatonUniversity of Calgary
2019Patrick WuUniversity of Calgary
2018Gary JarvisYork University
2017John PomeroyUniversity of Saskatchewan
2016Gail AtkinsonWestern University
2015Kelin WangGeological Survey of Canada - Pacific Geoscience Centre
2014Philip MarshWilfrid Laurier University
2013Zoltan HajnalUniversity of Saskatchewan
2012Doug OldenburgUniversity of British Columbia
2011Fred CookUniversity of Calgary
2010Nigel EdwardsUniversity of Toronto
2009Garth van der KampEnvironment Canada
2008Ming-ko (Hok) WooMcMaster University
2007Herb DragertGeological Survey of Canada - Pacific Geoscience Centre
2006Alan JonesDublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland
2005Ted EvansUniversity of Alberta
2004Dick PeltierUniversity of Toronto
2003Garry K.C. ClarkeUniversity of British Columbia
2002Doug E. SmylieYork University
2001Roy D. HyndmanGeological Survey of Canada - Pacific Geoscience Centre
2000Donald M. GrayUniversity of Saskatchewan
1999David J. DunlopUniversity of Toronto
1998Ron ClowesUniversity of British Columbia
1997Chris BeaumontDalhousie University
1996Petr VanicekUniversity of New Brunswick
1995Charlotte KeenGeological Survey of Canada
1994Michael J. BerryGeological Survey of Canada
1993Alan E. BeckUniversity of Western Ontario
1992R. Don RusselUniversity of British Columbia
1991Thomas KroghRoyal Ontario Museum
1990Gordon F. WestUniversity of Toronto
1989Leonard S. CollettGeological Survey of Canada
1988Ernie KanasewichUniversity of Alberta
1987David StrangwayUniversity of British Columbia
1986Mike RochesterMemorial University of Newfoundland
1985Harold O. SeigelScintrex Ltd., Toronto
1984Ted IrvingGeological Survey of Canada - Pacific Geoscience Centre
1983D. Ian GoughUniversity of Alberta
1982Jack A JacobsUniversity of Cambridge, UK
1981George D. GarlandUniversity of Toronto
1980Larry W. MorleyGeological Survey of Canada
1979Roy O. LindsethTeknica Resource Development, Calgary
1978J. Tuzo WilsonUniversity of Toronto