A highlight of CGU membership is the annual scientific meeting, which provides the opportunity to network with earth scientists from across the country. Collaborative and networking opportunities are often enhanced by hosting meetings jointly with complementary scientific societies.
Meetings provide the opportunity to:
- Present current research to the geoscientific community and learn about the activities of other scientists, of particular importance to students
- Emphasize Canadian-focused research alongside more global research
- Recognize and support winners of CGU awards and student paper awards
- Attend invited lectures such as the Woo Lecture (Hydrology) and plenary speakers
- Attend information sessions held by granting agencies
- Participate in annual Section and Executive meetings.
- Participate in workshops relevant to geophysics and earth science disciplines.
Year | Meeting Information and Link to Conference Program | Location | Date |
2024 | CGU Annual Meeting | Ottawa, Ontario | May 26-29 |
2023 | CGU Annual Meeting | Banff, Alberta | May 7 - May 10 |
2022 | Joint Annual Meeting with CMOS | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | May 29 - June 4 |
2021 | CGU Annual Meeting | Online | June - July |
2020 | CGU Annual Meeting | Banff, Alberta | May 3 - 6 |
2019 | Joint Annual Meeting with CMOS with IUGG Scientific Assembly | Montreal, Quebec | July 8 - 17 |
2018 | Joint Annual Meeting with CSSS, CIG, ES-SSA and CSAFM. | Niagara Falls, Ontario | June 10 - 14 |
2017 | Joint Annual Meeting with CSAFM | Vancouver, British Columbia | May 28 - May 31 |
2016 | Joint Annual Meeting with CMOS | Fredericton, New Brunswick | May 29 - June 2 |
2015 | Joint Annual Meeting with AGU and GAC-MAC | Montreal, Quebec | May 3 - 7 |
2014 | Joint Annual Meeting with Canadian Society of Soil Science and Mantle Convection Workshop | Banff, Alberta | May 4 - 7 |
2013 | Joint Annual Meeting with CMOS and CWRA | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | May 26 - 30 |
2012 | Joint Annual Meeting with CWRA | Banff, Alberta | June 5 - 8 |
2011 | Joint Annual Meeting with CSAFM | Banff, Alberta | May 15 - 18 |
2010 | Joint Annual Meeting with CMOS | Ottawa, Ontario | May 31 - June 4 |
2009 | Joint Assembly with AGU and other organizations | Toronto, Ontario | May 24 - 27 |