In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of this year’s annual meeting in Banff, we have transitioned for this summer to a free, online research presentation series. We are very pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural series of research talks for this Friday, June 5th, 2020 starting at 2 pm eastern time. The series will continue most Fridays this summer, with the next series of talks scheduled for Friday, June 19. Most Fridays will be themed around talks from one particular CGU section. A full schedule of the summer series will be shared soon. We invite you to follow the series on our Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn pages for the latest information.
The Annual General Meeting of the Hydrology section will follow this week’s talks from 3 pm to 4 pm eastern time. Other sections’ AGMs and our CGU-wide AGM will follow over the coming weeks.
To attend the research talks and Hydrology Section AGM, please join via this link:
Password: 938442
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You could also attend by watching our YouTube or Facebook live stream.
This week’s research talks include:
“Characterizing preferential flow in the vadose zone of a reclaimed upland”
Speaker: Gabriel Dubé
Affiliation: University of Waterloo (student talk)
Time: 2 pm – 2:15 pm EDT
Session: Rebuilding the Critical Zone: Hydrological and Biogeochemical Developments of Reclaimed Landscapes
Highlights: The upland of a reclaimed fen contains elevated concentrations of sodium in the vadose zone, which poses a risk to downgradient fen vegetation. His research examines the impact of preferential flow on sodium flushing into groundwater to help assess the future success of the fen.
“Identifying high-runoff areas during peak streamflow on the Eastern Slopes of the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains”
Speaker: Matt Chernos
Affiliation: MacDonald Hydrology Consultants
Time: 2:20 pm – 2:35 pm EDT
Session: Hydrologic Response to Forest Change
Highlights: A hydrological model was designed to identify high-runoff areas, defined as areas that most actively contributed to peak streamflow. Results under baseline and future climate change conditions highlight substantial regional variability and demonstrate the applicability of a more localized approach to identifying snow sensitive zones.
“Effects of residual biomass removal post-timber harvesting on mercury mobilization from a shallow hillslope”
Speaker: Colin McCarter
Affiliation: University of Toronto
Time: 2:40 pm – 2:55 pm EDT
Session: Hydrologic Response to Forest Change
Highlights: Harvested hillslopes transmitted a greater mass of mercury to downgradient systems, with the response in mercury mobilization proportional to changes in runoff dynamics. The interaction between enhanced runoff and increased nitrate supply from residual biomass post-harvest created a methylation “cold-spot” in the downgradient peatland
Hydrology Section Annual General Meeting
Time: 3 pm – 4 pm EDT
Agenda for HS-AGM:
- Call to order/opening remarks (Oswald)
- Approval of minutes from 2019 AGM (Oswald)
- Financial report (Ali)
- Information items
- Membership (Oswald)
- HP special issue (Oswald)
- Student conference update (Oswald)
- Awards update (Whittington/Ali/Ross)
- Committees (James)
- Planning for Banff 2021 (Ireson)
- Discussion of a new mid-career award and/or student research grant
- Appointment of executives 2020-21 (Oswald)
Past-President: Oswald
President: Ireson
Vice-President: Whittington
Treasurer: Ali
Secretary: Kurylyk
Member-at-Large (Student Awards): Spence
Member-at-Large (Committees): James
Student Rep: Ross - Adjourn