Online Research Seminars – Hydrology 3

Following the first Solid Earth session, we are pleased to announce the third Hydrology session for this Friday, July 17, 2020 starting at 2:30 pm eastern time. Please note that due to scheduling conflict, the starting time of the remainder of the seminar series will no longer be 2 pm eastern time. The series will continue most Fridays this summer, with the next series of talks scheduled for Friday, July 24. A full schedule of the summer series can be found here. We invite you to follow the series on our Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn pages for the latest information.

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This week’s research talks include:

“Hydrologic thresholds at the catchment-scale: can 3D representations help?”
Speaker: Cody Ross
Affiliation: University of Manitoba (student talk)
Time: 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm EDT
Session: General Hydrology
Evaluating hydrologic thresholds as a function of multiple meteorological factors shows that (1) thresholds may exist at several combinations of critical meteorological factor values, and (2) interactions between meteorological factors can lead to emergent threshold behaviour.

“Linking glacier retreat and hydrological changes in southwestern Yukon”
Speaker: Anna Chesnokova
Affiliation: École de Technologie Supérieure
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:05 pm EDT
Session: General Hydrology
Using an original dual approach that consists of both a trend analysis of discharge time series and a model‐based peak water analysis, we disentangle glacier‐related regional hydrological changes from those that are not driven by glacier retreat, and position glacierized watersheds in relation to the peak water (a conceptual breakpoint that is regularly used to characterize glacier retreat influence on the long-term evolution of discharge parameters).

“Analysis of low flow conditions (magnitude, duration, and frequencies) in Canadian Rivers”
Speaker: Wafa Chouaib
Affiliation: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Moncton
Time: 3:10 pm – 3:25 pm EDT
Session: General Hydrology

  • Most severe low flow conditions with longest seasons (3.4-4 months) are observed in northwest territories and the prairies of Canada
  • Low flow frequencies (1-day, 7-day, 14-day minimum) lead to degraded flow conditions in most provinces
  • The area showed to be a good predictor of 1-day minimum low flow frequencies with the exception of the Shield region in Canada

“A high-resolution ensemble precipitation analysis across Canada”
Speaker: Dikra Khedhaouiria
Affiliation: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Time: 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm EDT
Session: General Hydrology
The Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) optimally combine forecasts (background fields) from Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) with independent observations (gauging stations and radar quantitative precipitation estimates) to provide consistent gridded precipitations fields. However, inherent errors in both observations and forecasts lead to uncertainties in the resulting analysis. Intending to offer better precipitation analysis while conveying uncertainty information for subsequent applications (e.g., hydrological modeling), the production of a high-resolution ensemble analysis (HREPA) is a way of achieving this objective.

“Headwater lakes and their influence on stream temperature”
Speaker: Jason Leach
Affiliation: Canadian Forest Service
Time: 3:50 pm – 4:05 pm EDT
Session: General Hydrology
We investigated the controls on stream temperature below a headwater lake and found that radiation from the sun, atmosphere and riparian trees were not important energy exchanges. Instead, warm water coming from the lake, cool water from the hillslopes, and water exchanged with the streambed sediments had the most influence on stream temperature. There are 117 million lakes on Earth and our findings are relevant for building better models to predict how stream network temperatures will respond to environmental change.