The 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Prague, 22 June – 2 July, 2015

by Gordon Young

Some 4300 participants from more than 100 countries gathered in Prague to contribute to more than 200 symposia, workshops and informal discussions on all aspects of Geodesy and Geophysics. The Assembly was held in the very conducive atmosphere of the Prague Congress Centre with easy access to the heart of the old city.

Canadian participants were very proud that Michael Sideris of the University of Calgary was elected as President of the Union to which he will give leadership over the next four years. Michael will be supported by Zoltan Hajnal, Chair of the Canadian National Committee for IUGG and by the Canadian national representatives of the eight Associations comprising IUGG.

In addition, Rich Petrone (U Waterloo and Canadian senior representative for IAHS) was elected Vice President of the IAHS International Commission on Coupled Land-Atmosphere Systems, Chris Hopkinson (U Lethbridge) was elected as Vice President of IAHS International Commission on Remote Sensing and Genevieve Ali (U Manitoba and Canadian junior representative for IAHS) became Secretary of the network of National Hydrological Associations.

There was considerable excitement in the competition to host the next IUGG Assembly in 2019. Canada (Montreal) was in competition with India (Delhi). 42 countries within the IUGG Council had the right to vote – the result was a narrow win for Canada (25 votes to 17). Thus Canada will prepare over the next four years to host an exciting and vibrant Assembly bringing top-rate scientists together. We look forward to involving all Canadian geoscientists in this process.