Now is the time to consider nominating your colleagues for our top three awards.
Details of the nomination process, requirements and evaluation criteria can be found at
- The J. Tuzo Wilson Medal recognizes scientists who make outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge in any research area of the Union. Factors considered in the selection process include excellence in scientific or technical research, instrument development, industrial applications, and/or teaching. The 2015 winner was Kelin Wang, from the Pacific Geoscience Centre.
- The Young Scientist Award recognizes high quality and high impact research by a CGU member within 10 years of obtaining their first Ph.D. or equivalent degree. The 2015 winner was Jeff McKenzie, from McGill University (currently serving as CGU Secretary for the 2015-2017 term).
- The Meritorious Service Award recognizes extraordinary and unselfish contributions to the operation and management of the Canadian Geophysical Union by a CGU member. This award hasn’t been given out in the past two years – let’s make sure we have a recipient for 2016.
Nomination packages should be submitted to Dr. Kristy Tiampo ( by December 12, 2015.
Awards will be presented at the 2016 annual CGU scientific meeting, joint with CMOS in Fredericton.