Online Research Seminars – Biogeosciences 2

Following last week’s Solid Earth session, we are pleased to announce the second Biogeosciences session for this Friday, July 31, 2020 starting at 2:30 pm eastern time. The CGU-wide Annual General Meeting will follow this week’s talks from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm eastern time. Other sections’ AGMs will follow over the coming weeks.

Please note that due to scheduling conflict, next week’s CGU-wide poster session has been scheduled for Thursday, August 6. The remainder of the seminar series will continue on Fridays this summer. A full schedule of the summer series can be found here. We invite you to follow the series on our Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn pages for the latest information.

To attend this week’s research talks and CGU-wide AGM, please join via this link:
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This week’s research talks include:

“Evaluating vegetation change in Wolf Creek, YT through multi-temporal airborne LiDAR”
Speaker: Sean Leipe
Affiliation: McMaster University (student talk)
Time: 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm EDT
Session: General Biogeosciences
Airborne LiDAR surveys were used to evaluate shrub expansion between 2007 and 2018 in a well-studied northern mountain basin. Results show an increase of 63% in total shrub cover between surveys, with substantial landscape-scale variation across different terrain properties. As shrubs are first-order controls on water, carbon, and energy balances, a greater understanding of these changes is critical for predicting the future of northern watersheds under a rapidly changing climate.

“Response of Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics to Salinity in a Constructed Fen Peatland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region”
Speaker: Emily Prystupa
Affiliation: University of Waterloo (student talk)
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:05 pm EDT
Session: General Biogeosciences
A constructed fen peatland, created to test reclamation techniques for fen establishment, was studied to assess the influence of sodium (Na) on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and quality. It was found that Na and sulphate are correlated with DOC concentration and quality at 30 cm, where 10 cm these relationships were harder to discern and spatial variability was high.

“What can optical characterization tell us about dissolved organic carbon in wetlands in the Prairie Pothole region?”
Speaker: Linh Trần
Affiliation: University of Regina (student talk)
Time: 3:10 pm – 3:25 pm EDT
Session: General Biogeosciences
The objective of our study is to monitor and explore photodegradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) over time in multiple wetland ponds and after a short-term incubation in the Prairie Pothole Region in Saskatchewan, Canada. By using an optical approach, we are hoping to offer a novel insight into the complexity of DOC and a foundation to further study how its characterization influences aquatic ecosystems.

“Seasonality drives methylmercury cycling in a High Arctic catchment”
Speaker: Igor Lehnherr
Affiliation: University of Toronto
Time: 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm EDT
Session: Cold Regions Hydro-Biogeochemistry
We examined spatial and seasonal differences in how toxic methylmercury cycles at aquatic-terrestrial interface in a high Arctic catchment, and find that 1) net methylmercury production continues during the winter months in some compartments and 2) unlike their temperate counterparts, Arctic wetlands can act as methylmercury sinks reducing exposure in downstream foodwebs. However climate change is likely to result in both greater production and more efficient downstream transport of methylmercury.

CGU-wide Annual General Meeting
Time: 3:45 – 4:45 pm EDT

Agenda for CGU-AGM:

  1. Minutes – July 11, 2019 Business Meeting
  2. President’s Remarks
  3. Appointment of Auditors
    van Berkom & Ritz, Chartered Accountants
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Committee Report
  6. Future CGU Meetings
    CGU 2021 – Banff, Alberta (May 2-5)
    CGU-CMOS 2022 – Saskatoon, SK (May 29-June 2)
  7. Questions from members
  8. Adjournment