Online Research Seminars – Union-wide Poster Session

Following last week’s Biogeosciences session and CGU-wide AGM, we are pleased to announce the Union-wide poster session for this Thursday, August 6 starting at 2:30 pm eastern time.

This day change is for this week only due to a scheduling conflict. The remainder of the seminar series will continue on Fridays this summer. A full schedule of the summer series can be found here. We invite you to follow the series on our Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn pages for the latest information.

To attend this week’s poster session, please join via this link:

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This week’s poster presentations include:


“Relating hydrophysical properties and soil profile layering to runoff generation potential from forested hillslopes and peatlands in the Western Boreal Plain, Canada”
Speaker: Lacey Roberts
Affiliation: Athabasca University (student talk)
Time: 2:35 pm – 2:45 pm EDT

“Groundwater-Derived Thermal Buffering of Coastal Habitat in the Context of Climate Change”
Speaker: Jason KarisAllen
Affiliation: Dalhousie University (student talk)
Time: 2:45 pm – 2:55 pm EDT

“Mountain snowpack characterization from LiDAR and snow pillow telemetry: a case study in the Lajoie Basin, southwestern British Columbia”
Speaker: Sergio Vazquez Tagle Gallegos
Affiliation: University of Northern British Columbia (student talk)
Time: 2:55 pm – 3:05 pm EDT

“Precipitation gradients across the Continental Divide in the Canadian Rocky Mountains”
Speaker: Selina Mitchell
Affiliation: University of Northern British Columbia (student talk)
Time: 3:05 pm – 3:15 pm EDT

“Unpaved access roads in managed forests as sources of bioaccessible phosphorus to surface waters: implications for drinking water across Canada”
Speaker: Erin Humeny
Affiliation: University of Alberta
Time: 3:15 pm – 3:25 pm EDT

“Campuses as Living Labs for Applied Environmental Research: Example of the Ryerson Road Salt Reduction Project”
Speaker: Claire Oswald
Affiliation: Ryerson University
Time: 3:25 pm – 3:35 pm EDT

“Transdisciplinary approaches to research on nutrient in Treaty 4,5 and 6”
Speaker: Hamidreza Rashidi
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan
Time: 3:35 pm – 3:45 pm EDT


“Seasonal patterns of stream nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry in cold region agricultural streams”
Speaker: Karl Friesen-Hughes
Affiliation: University of Winnipeg (student talk)
Time: 2:35 pm – 2:45 pm EDT

“The Impacts of Nitrogen on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Water Bodies”
Speaker: Catherine Goltz
Affiliation: University of Winnipeg (student talk)
Time: 2:45 pm – 2:55 pm EDT

“Controls on Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in an Ombrotrophic Bog”
Speaker: Tracy Rankin
Affiliation: McGill University (student talk)
Time: 2:55 pm – 3:05 pm EDT

“Monitoring growing season phenology of boreal peatland vegetation impacted by linear disturbances using easily accessible digital photography”
Speaker: Scott Davidson
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Time: 3:05 pm – 3:15 pm EDT

“Characterising Watershed Coherence in Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Boreal Shield Forested Catchments”
Speaker: Matthew Morison
Affiliation: University of Winnipeg
Time: 3:15 pm – 3:25 pm EDT

Solid Earth

“Surface Wave Methods in Inversely Dispersive and Non-1D Sites”
Speaker: Chris Boucher
Affiliation: University of Western Ontario (student talk)
Time: 2:35 pm – 2:45 pm EDT

“Modelling of mantle flow and dynamic topography in the region of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia”
Speaker: David Quiroga
Affiliation: University of Alberta (student talk)
Time: 2:45 pm – 2:55 pm EDT

“Does flat-slab subduction cause continental cooling?”
Speaker: Xiaowen Liu
Affiliation: University of Alberta (student talk)
Time: 2:55 pm – 3:05 pm EDT

“Anisotropic group velocity over northern Cascadia and Haida Gwaii from Bayesian surface wave tomography”
Speaker: Jeremy Gosselin
Affiliation: University of Ottawa (student talk)
Time: 3:05 pm – 3:15 pm EDT

“Did the cessation of convection in Mercury’s mantle allow for an increase in the rate of heat loss from its core?”
Speaker: Joshua Guerrero
Affiliation: University of Toronto Scarborough
Time: 3:15 pm – 3:25 pm EDT

“Investigating the crust and mantle surrounding the Beaufort Sea, western Canadian Arctic”
Speaker: Andrew Schaeffer
Affiliation: Geological Survey of Canada
Time: 3:25 pm – 3:35 pm EDT