Change in Size of B.C. Glaciers (1985-2005)

“Glaciers get bigger and smaller — or advance and retreat — in response to changes in climate over time scales from decades to centuries. Glaciers thus respond to long-term changes in climate. This indicator measures changes in area of glacier ice coverage from 1985 to 2005 and changes in volume of glacier ice coverage from 1985 to 2000 in British … Read more

CGU member on Western drought

John Pomeroy

CGU member perspectives on Western drought CGU member John Pomeroy (CRC in Water Resources & Climate Change, University of Saskatchewan) has provided commentary to a number of media outlets on the ongoing Western drought. John is a member of the CGU’s Hydrology Section, and a past President of the CGU. The University of Saskatchewan’s Centre for Hydrology has collated a … Read more

CGU Members in the Arctic

Melissa Lafreniere

CGU members’ Arctic research in the spotlight Iqaluit is looking for a new water supply, and CGU member Melissa Lafrenière is doing the research. Lafrenière has been studying the Apex River since 2013 to determine water quality and its sustainability as a water supply. She is an Associate Professor of Geography at Queen’s University, and a member of the CGU’s … Read more